Monte actually kept several chunks of gold bullions in his suitcase as well, but those were not stolen-it was only the photo! Frank noticed the gold too and chuckled. "I guess you can stop looking now. Someone stole your photo." Instead, he took Monte to Dawn and asked her, "Do you recognize this man?" Dawn frowned as she studied Monte from head to toe, nodding before shaking her head. "I don't think I do, but he feels familiar..." "How about my voice?" Monte asked.
Dawn smiled in wry amusement. "Again, it's both familiar but also not." Frank did not give up, however, and had Monte read the script he gave earlier. "I'm Monte Petale. I have a solution that could help Mr. Frankton ovee the curse of the spiritron vein and leave Shagan!" Dawn appeared to be jolted by those words, and her eyes rolled up as she passed out.
Frank leapt up to catch her and carried Dawn to the couch while telling Monte to make her stea.
As Monte left, Frank said, "You can stop pretending now. He's gone." Dawn opened her eyes right then, smiling. "How'd you know I was pretending?" Frank could not actually tell but realized it when he touched Dawn. "I guess you remember him!" Dawn nodded. "I do, but he's not the Monte Petale we're talking about." "What?" Frank was left confused.
"I remembered something else after what he said." Dawn sighed. There were two Monte Petales sharing the sface. One was the one who offered to help you leave Shagan, while the second was an impostor. He would use your urge to leave Shagan against you!" en.kikistories Frank was left bemused-could it be that Monte had a twin? But that did not make sense either, as he had been watching Monte's reaction and could see that he was not lying.
However, it also seemed that he had never met Dawn. So why would he show up in her memories? That was when Frank realized that an ability could connect the dots-clairvoyance! Was it possible that Dawn was never acquainted with the Petale twins, but they were in her memories because she had clairvoyance, predicting the future? en.kikistories Musing to himself for a moment, he then asked, "Why didn't he recognize you?" Dawn shook her head. "I don't know, but my memories couldn't havee out of nowhere. He was speaking to me!" Frank nodded-the only explanation that made sense here was that Dawn would speak with of those twins in the there belongs to en.kikistories That allowed Frank to be less worried about Monte backstabbing him while stirring his curiosity about Dawn's powers. Clairvoyance was not a gift to be trifled with. Having someone like Dawn around certainly made things more convenient! "Get srest. I'll talk to Monte again." "Be careful." Frank left the room, running headlong into Monte, who had just made tea. "Do you have a twin?" Monte's fingers slipped, and he dropped the cup of tea, exclaiming, "How'd you know?" Frank smiled-it was just as he thought, and Dawn's ability was quite something.